(subota) 10:00
Polazna lokacija
Svetvinčenat, glavni trg
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Moja bicikla, Moja baština

Udeležite se zadnjega kolesarskega dogodka Franje na kolesu!
Welcome to the last Franja on Wheels event!

Vabljeni v soboto 30. septembra v Svetvinčenat (glavni trg) na MTB kolesarjenje po stran poteh Istre. Spoznajte pokrajino in kulturo hrvaške Istre.
Come on sunday September 30th in Svetvinčenat (main square) to MTB cycling along the dirt roads of Istra. Learn more about the landscape and culture of Istria.

Prijave / Entry: 8:00-10.00
Registracija, ni prijavnine. Registration only, no fee.
Start: 10.00
Proga / Course: Non-competitive. Course is suitable for families and all recreational cyclists. On the half way there will be a refreshment point and a cultural show. Performance by Istra Inspirit.
Cilj / Finish: 13.30
Socializing and cultural programme in the finish and special programme for Kids.

More info about the event and My Sport is Franja at

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